Archive for the ‘dwell’ Category

Social Productivity Tip #1

March 27, 2008

Stop Dwelling

I bet one minute your mind just buzzes with all the things you need to do both personally and work-wise and the next it’s a blank slate because you are staring off into the distance in procrastination mode or thinking about what time to get home to get that ripe parking spot out front.  Your mind just wanders off almost like it’s preventing you from success.

This is a problem for me too, which is why I’m writing this blog.  I have a ton of things I want to accomplish and a ton of ideas I want to explore, but something in me is just holding me back.  I have bursts of good work and then the energy drops and Mr. Distraction comes and hangs out with me.  I have found that by working with others on my goals whether to assist me or be my cheerleader, that I get a lot more accomplished.  By checking in with others and them checking in with me, I feel really motivated to accomplish as much as I can as efficiently as I can.

I found this article “Six Ways to Stop Dwelling On It” and find the suggestions all very practical.  In fact, I have put some into practice – some of which I will cover now.  Most of these ideas include others, not all.  Some use online tools and others are real face-to-face interactions with people. 

Recently I took an Art of Living course because I wanted to learn better breathing techniques to get over my insomnia.  Breathing definitely helps to clear the mind and find inner calm.  It doesn’t take much effort, just a few minutes of adding additional oxygen to the brain and clearing out the lungs.  It also really helps to have a sound sleep – and you know they say that the better you sleep the more alert and energetic you will be the next day.

My BFF and I made a contract: at the beginning of every week we list out our goals and then at the end of the week we go for dinner and discuss what was accomplished.  If we don’t get as much done as we hoped, we have a long discussion over why and because we are buddies, we can raz each other.  Both of us are on all the online social networking sites so we really know how much time we are “wasting” versus getting things accomplished.  We are trying out 37Signals Backpack to keep each other in check and I’ll report back on how well it assists us.

 I have a fantastic life coach and she has told me that I need to sometimes embrace whatever feelings I am having and not try to push them away.  Just let them in, and then eventually you become bored or just by “feeling” it all dissipates.  Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn’t.  When it doesn’t then I go look in the mirror and say “oh well” and just smile and make plans with a friend for lunch or dinner or dancing!

Exercise really helps, especially in the morning. I have started jogging with my dog in the mornings and I really feel like my days are more productive when I do. It also helps any bad feelings I have that are distracting me because I can just think through them on the jog and then my mind is clear and I am ready to focus.

Sticky notes are my friend…before I leave work I write down three things I want to accomplish at work the next day and stick it on my monitor.  When I get to work in the morning it is staring at me right in the face.

I’m trying to be more schedule driven so I really like the advice in the article about making a date to dwell and then when the time is up, the time is up.  I simply set my alarm on my cellphone or on my Outlook Calendar and ensure the volume is up real high when the alarm goes off. 🙂

I would really like to hear what kinds of tricks, tools, and techniques help you to focus on your goals and quickly get over any distractions you are having.  Let’s work together and get busy!

Until next time!

Get Productive!